Aviram Hassan

Aviram Hassan

CEO @ MetalBear
111 points
All activity
Aviram Hassan
mirrord solves the problems every modern cloud developer faces during microservice development by making remote services feel local.
mirrord for Teams
mirrord for Teams
Remocal Kubernetes development for teams and enterprises
Aviram Hassan
Aviram Hassan
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Awesome! Looks great.
Supercharge your security compliance
Aviram Hassan
mirrord lets devs plug their local process into their cloud cluster without disrupting it. It provides the benefits of running your service on a shared cloud environment (e.g. staging) without actually going through the hassle (or risk) of deploying it there.
Run your local process in the context of your cloud cluster
Aviram Hassan
Aviram Hassan
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In episode podcast search engine
Aviram Hassan
Aviram Hassan
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Most of our hires came from the relevant Reddit community (/r/rust in our case)
Gleb Feder
What tools do you use to find & hire developers?
Aviram Hassan
Aviram Hassan
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Congrats on your launch, looks amazing!
Amplication 1.0
Amplication 1.0
Instantly generate enterprise-grade Node.js applications