Austin Walters

Austin Walters

Founder @ InsiderOpinion
3 points
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Austin Walters
Generate answers based off the discuss of experts on hacker news
Generate answers any time, any topic
Austin Walters
Send a letter, fax or email on any topic to your representatives at the federal, state or local level in under 30 seconds. We can generate letters off of concerns and share letters. We partner with organizations and can create branded pages.
Share concerns with Gov officials in 30 seconds or less
Austin Walters
An AI pen pal will correspond with you via the postal service. The pen pal writes you a letter. You write a response letter and send it back in the return envelope. You can write to Santa, a life coach, a civil war soldier, a cold war spy, or make your own.
Lettergram - Your AI PenPal
Send & Receive letters from an AI to your physical address
Austin Walters
Answer any question at your business
Employees spend 25% of their time searching for answers.
With InsiderOpinion, just ask a question via message.
We connect you to documents & experts who can provide you answers.
Answer any question at work - with a message
Austin Walters

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