Austin Chan

Austin Chan

Creator, Tab Buddy
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Austin Chan
Repeat5 is a timer that helps you build the habit of productivity. It starts off as a 5-minute timer on the first day and every day that you successfully run the timer to 0, it will increase by 5 minutes for the next day.
Productivity timer that increases by 5 minutes every day
Austin Chan
A personal self-care dashboard featuring trackers for water, breath, gratitude, and a to do list. The New Tab page reminds you of key habits throughout your workday. By following through on the Tab reminders, you take good care of our mascot Tito and yourself.
Tab Buddy
Tab Buddy
Build simple habits one new tab at a time
Austin Chan
The Progression Journal is a physical journal designed to cater to your self-improvement needs. The sole purpose of the journal is to keep your daily schedule steady with a 1% improvement regularly. The process is one funnel towards reaching any of your goals.
The Progression Journal
The Progression Journal
Become A Better You Every Day Through Daily Journaling