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Aurelian Spodarec
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I feel like it would be better if you didn't blur the few ideas that are there.
I would like to have a sample first, before buying. Otherwise, I feel like 0.01$ is a fair price for a sample.
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Aurelian Spodarec
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By being taken advantage of to the point where it really bothered me, and over the years, I started to say no.
Its the same scenario on why would a dog sit on a nail, why won't it stand up> It squeecks and cries... Well, because it isn't hurting enough, yet.
And funny thing is, when I started doing that, I actually got more money. I lived at a place which I rented and lived with the...
The art of saying "No" - How did you learn it?
Kaushik Vikram Balaji
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Can you add 5k resolution and open API for it?
I Love Shot
Capture website screenshots
Aurelian Spodarec
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Facebook is net bad and net good.
Morally speaking net bad.
Financially speaking net good.
Facebook uses psychology to keep people glued, it consumes people life - at the same time, people need to take responsibility over their life, so can't blame facebook for that.
In terms of cenzoring, that's an issue with all major platforms.
Now with metaverse we will enter the world of Matrix....
Is Facebook fixable
Evan Armstrong
Aurelian Spodarec
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Interesting points.
What do you think about a subscription business model, HOWEVER, its free for the first few months , a year or two, untill it gains traction and then make it paid? If not...
What about then making 20% of the product for free, and then the rest paid? The paid and free version is the same, the 80% would be an extension. Imagine having 20l of water, now you have 100l of water...
The lessons I learned after shutting down my viral app, Yo
Or Arbel
Aurelian Spodarec
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Don't eat food if you think they are bad - not worth getting poisoned for the next week, or die, because you wanted to save the food that cost $2.
If you're unsure, just don't eat it, throw it away.
If you eat it and you can't work it'll cost you even more, and possibly its going to cost an ambulance which might kill another person that needed it more than you so by wanting to save a $2 you...
What trivial knowledge might save your life one day?
Josef Brown
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Aurelian Spodarec
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GOV. That way you can at least have a meaningful positive impact.
You would help billions of people with proper way to run the country/ies.
What would be the best job by 2021?
Tanjum 🔥 🚀🚀
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Well, for me personally is poor speaking. I can write, but I can't speak that well. That means pronouncing words, tonality etc...
You can say I kinda have speech impairment.
So as soon as I start talking, my value probably decreases in the eyes of the prospect and don't take me as seriously compared to my writing.
I might be wrong, but that's what I notice.
In terms of the other person,...
Biggest pet peeve when sitting on video calls?
Rachel Cossar
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Probably not as good anymore. He is a business person, not a programmer. He started of as a programmer but that's not what keeps the business running - he hires programmers that can do competitive programming.
How good is Mark Zuckerberg with competitive programming?
Dustin Durham
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Aurelian Spodarec
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When you read books you're programming your brain a certain way - and yes, there's value talking with people that have read such books, those would be like minded people.
I also understand that you might want to get the key concept of the book summarised so you get the best out of your buck, but reading the book ultimately is the best way to go IMO.
Get the main concept of a few books, but...
Do not read too many books, interact with people who have read them.
Shushanik Shahbazyan
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Its an easy answer for me.
If there are similar products out there, my question is "Can I do it better?" - if the answer is yes, I go and do it.
I also realise, that my odds are against me since I'm "late" to the party.
However, you'll never be in a place where you're 100% confident you can do it or something else doesn't exist. Chances are, everything we build probably exist somewhere,...
Did you ever hesitate building your product because there were similar solutions out there?
Sidhdharth Sivasubramanian
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Don't use WP - it's outdated, past its primes.
It was never meant to be a shop. The code is poor, and devs are poor - majority.
Shopify is specialized into making a store, wheres WP is not and outdated.
Looking for best platform to build webstore
Binal Savani IW
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Aurelian Spodarec
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That's interesting.
I don't.
However, I can notice how something changes my mood and what I'm likely to do or not in the upcoming hour.
I've noticed that when I see something such as "police chase", "lockdown", "innocent person killed" my mood changes and it drains me. I don't watch news, nor TV, but sometimes you have a person tell you what they watched.
Same goes with video games, I...
Do you feel there are tools to help you monitor social media impacting your mood?
Britain Taylor
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Aurelian Spodarec
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New year resolutions are horrible!
Imagine waiting one year to fix your bad sleeping patter, eating, exercise, whatever that is!
Better to have weekly resolutions! Or daily...
New Year Resolutions seems to be some social norm that people go with, you see gyms being full, and then in Feb empty again - these people need to make monthly resolutions.
My weekly resolutions are to go...
New Year Resolution 2022!!!!
Jaskiran Kaur
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Find something equivalent to the internet, but it would not be the internet.
What would you do if the internet stopped existing forever?
Daniel Obiokeke
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Hate looking at things by a yearly basis, I think that's a horrible way to go about things in general.
I'd rather on a few months basis, a month basis, a week basis, a day basis.
It gives you small milestones you can focus, and if you mess things up, instead of waiting for the new year, you're going to revise it the next day or the next week or month depending on the context.
I'm currently...
Do you feel that you accomplished what you wanted for 2021, and if so, what was that?
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Aurelian Spodarec
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The place I worked had a helipad.
I paid £250 per flight - a tax write-off for me anyway.
Nah, just kidding. I commute by walk.
To the other room. :D
Though in reality... I used to commute by walk and tram in Manchester, UK.
How do you commute to work?
Dani Ioscovich
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Customer feedback might be great depending on the context.
However, the customer doesn't always know what he/she wants or what's "right" for your product.
I don't know :D
This is some Steve Jobs which I agree :D
How important is customer feedback for the improvement of a product?
Elena Cirera
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Aurelian Spodarec
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Well, I think we should review this weekly, or by a daily basis, not per new year :D
However, what I'm doing in the remaining days of 2021 is focusing on good habits.
Humans are made of habits.
You have a good habit you become richer, you have a poor habit you become poorer.
I'm focusing on:
- Sleep
- Building a SaaS
- Food
- Exercise
The main focus right now is sleep. I'm making sure I...
What positive change are you making in your personality to make 2022 a successful year?
Elena Cirera
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