Ashray Malhotra

Ashray Malhotra

348 points
All activity
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Been using this product since early days, and couldn't be a happier customer!
Reforge Artifacts
Reforge Artifacts
Real work product from those who have done it before
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations on the launch @srikrishnang !
Reimagine service delivery for onboarding and PS teams
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Can't wait to play around with this! @joydeep_sensarma
Convert multiple Slack channels into a shared Inbox
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations @varunmayya on the launch!
Your personal AI creative artist is here
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Can't wait to play with this!
SEO optimized articles, 2x faster
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Super exciting demo!
Butternut AI Beta
Butternut AI Beta
Build websites instantly using generative AI
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulation @harish_uthayakumar on the launch!
The largest community of tomorrow's builders
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations @sridhar_ramaswamy1 on the launch!
Search powered by AI to get answers, not ads
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations on the launch @suhail !
Playground AI
Playground AI
Create 1,000 AI art images a day for free
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations on the launch @abhash_kumar2 !
Your GPT-3 powered personal AI teammate inside Slack
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Building! Here's more ->
Farooq Adam
What miracles do you think we would get to see with Generative AI in the future?
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Can't wait to test this out!
Like ChatGPT but with real-time data, images & voice search
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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Congratulations @dannypostmaa
Profile Picture AI
Profile Picture AI
Create the perfect profile picture for you, your dog or cat
Ashray Malhotra
Ashray Malhotra
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@levelsio the images are amazing!
Avatar AI
Create your own AI-generated avatars