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    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    No bots here folks, moving on, bip boop
    Neel Patel
    A lot of bots! PH should only consider people with verified LinkedIn.
    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    LinkedIn by a wide margin (un)fortunately :)
    Lindsay Davis
    What app do you use the most during the day?
    Lindsay Davis
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    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    "If you would associate [product] with a famous person, who would that be?" :)
    Olena Bomko
    Your customers are your best copywriters. But if you ask the right questions 👇
    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    Sent you an invite; here's mine just in case: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashe...
    Olena Bomko
    Do you use Twitter or LinkedIn? Let's connect there :)
    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    starting my full-year streak, day 3/365 :)
    Helen Kaljusaar
    How often do you use Product Hunt?
    Helen Kaljusaar
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    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    Thanks for creating this thread @atsuki - just what I needed for the future launch of my indie product :)
    Atsuki Hasegawa
    How to Successfully Launch a solo-developed Product on Product Hunt?
    Atsuki Hasegawa
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    Andrii Shekhirev
    Andrii Shekhirev
    left a comment
    Thanks for #13 especially, didn't know these existed!
    Olena Bomko
    🔥16 Best PH launch tips. What did I miss?