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Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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Why will AI replace your boss first? See 3 💯 reasons.

1. Blur. General management requires lots of competencies, but one of the most important - quick analysis of ever changing situations. AI beats human in this field making it's decision more effective (often) 2. Salary. Replacing one highly paid individual is much less stressful for businesses than firing dozens. 3. Snobbery. Placing themselves much higher than others makes managers less...
Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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10:06am - A huge load to our mailboxes with offers of bots upvoting. We try moving on our own!
Roman Gordy
[LIVE! Launch] Would you like to take a peek behind the scenes of our launch?
Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
started a discussion

[LIVE! Launch] Would you like to take a peek behind the scenes of our launch?

This is happening right now. I will lead a reportage from the very heart of our PH launch team. Do you launch someday soon? Share your launch day, your concerns and your goals - we will support you all!
Roman Gordy
Meet Arbonum - 1st Global Payroll platform tailored to needs of teams in Gamedev. Pay and manage your international contractors from a single platform.
Global payroll for Gamedev teams
Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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Anna Kasumova
Let's support my friend Robert!
Anna Kasumova
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Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
Mahsima Dastan
What book are you currently reading?
Mahsima Dastan
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Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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Before: first you need to code, then you have to sell. Now: Just sell.
Denis Galka
How has using no-code platforms influenced your projects or ideas?
Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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Just have booked a time slot next Wednesday. See you!
Maria Noemi Hernandez
I'm doing exploration talks with product teams to learn more about the way you work!
Maria Noemi Hernandez
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Roman Gordy
Roman Gordy
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Awesome! Will upvote!
Olena Bomko
I'm live on Product Hunt 🚀 Friday, the 13th AMA!