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Aram Miquel Mateu
AI Detector is the perfect tool for any content creator, writer or media marketer as it will help you keep top quality of content while leveraging AI Tools such as ChatGPT: - AI Checker - Plagiarism Checker - Readability Checker
AI Detector & Plagiarism Scan
AI Detector & Plagiarism Scan
Is your text human? Readable? Copied anywhere? Check now!
Aram Miquel Mateu
Aram Miquel Mateu
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Congratulations! What a platform, love the design and UX
BeforeSunset AI Teams
AI-powered workspace: plan & execute together
Aram Miquel Mateu
Aram Miquel Mateu
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To download the app here's a direct link:
Climb Genius
Climb Genius
Elevate your climbing through news, tracking & workouts
Aram Miquel Mateu
Track your climbing sessions with videos and health data, improve your climbing from home with our workouts and keep up to date with the climbing world by reading our news, and find the best climbing gyms around you.
Climb Genius
Climb Genius
Elevate your climbing through news, tracking & workouts
Aram Miquel Mateu
AI-generated text is more and more prominent in our lives. While can help us a lot, Google, Facebook and others have started detecting AI-generated content and downgrading it's rankings. Easily detect whether a text is gonna be flagged or not with AI Detector.
AI Detector - Text Validator
AI Detector - Text Validator
Verified ChatGPT, GPT3.5, GPT4 text detector
Aram Miquel Mateu
Pile is a secure space to save all your cool things and keep them organised. It works even when you are offline!
Collaborate with anyone on your folders or notes. Keep impressive lists of curated blogs, your best pics or the shopping list.
Pile: Save links, notes, files
Pile: Save links, notes, files
Collaborate & organize safely
Aram Miquel Mateu

Intelligram app helps you find and choose your best photos.

You take hundreds of photos how do you know which is the best one to share? Intelligram AI Comapre your photo to 80,000 others using our Artificial Intelligence model to see if you should share it on Instagram.

- Intelligram Artificial Intelligence

- Your Journey

- Anonymous Wall

Publish only the best photos!
Aram Miquel Mateu

XenAdmin 2.0 lets you take control of your XenServer from anywhere at any time. If you are a SysAdmin and you are not close to a computer, XenAdmin will be your best friend.

XenServer monitoring in your device
Aram Miquel Mateu

Intelligram will tell which of your photos are likely to receive more likes in Insta and which ones are not.

Take photos -> Use Intelligram to get feedback -> Share if it's good :)

Know which photos are going to receive + likes in Instagram