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  • Anushka Jaiswal

    Anushka Jaiswal

    Web App Developer and Story teller
    10 points
    Google ChromePlayCode - Javascript Sandbox/PlaygroundNotion
    All activity
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    Congratulations on your launch. ✨
    Turn Your Ecom Site into an AI-Powered Mobile App in 60 secs
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    Congratulations on the launch ✨🙌
    Personal AI buyer that qualifies sales pitches for you
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    Impressive, congratulations Ankit✨✨🙌
    Ankit Sharma
    Completed 1000 Streak 😍
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    started a discussion

    If you could relaunch your product today?

    If you had the chance to relaunch your product today, what crucial steps would you take, and what key changes would you implement to ensure a successful re-launch compared to before?
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    All the best for your launch
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    Been very busy with final preparations for launch. 😅 Any last minute tips from your experience? 🙏
    Naomi | Beeyond AI
    Join the discussion
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    started a discussion

    How do you take tough decisions?

    As a product owner, what tough decision did you make for your product that initially caused discomfort but ultimately yielded amazing results?
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    Congratulations on the launch
    A simpler & faster way of creating valuable products with AI
    Anushka Jaiswal
    Anushka Jaiswal
    left a comment
    Nice and easy to use
    Turn any text, article or story into a video, in seconds