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Anurag Baddam
Genji is an AI browser assistant that can complete any task in Chrome for you. He can handle both personal tasks like making a dinner reservation or professional ones like finding leads on LinkedIn. Best of all, he's free and doesn't require sign up!
AI browser ninja that can complete any task on Chrome
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Love how simple this is! Will give it a shot.
Manage your daily todos straight from your Mac menu bar
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Look awesome, will give this a try! Maybe it can replace my bookmark management one day.
No one has time to work with a messy computer - box it up
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
I've been trying to learn Spanish recently, so will give this a try! Congrats on your launch!
Track, share & accelerate your language-learning journey
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Now that Mint is gone, I'm looking for a replacement budget-tracking app. Will check out Spendid!
Minimalist, beautiful, easy-to-use personal expense tracker
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
started a discussion

Your go-to AI Assistant

What if your daily go-to AI Assistant? Is it simply ChatGPT or do you use a wrapper on top of it? If you do use a wrapper, why do you use it over just using ChatGPT? Is it because of the UI, the functionality, or something else?
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Love the UI! Will try this out soon.
The most beautiful link in bio on the internet
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Looks beautiful! How many people are currently on the platform?
Offsuit Poker
Offsuit Poker
Bringing modern design to digital poker
Anurag Baddam
Anurag Baddam
left a comment
Love this! Does it work for sharing chrome tabs?
Stunning live demos - present without any distractions