Good Chats is the Hunger Games of chat apps. After each chat you rate each other. Every hour the user with the lowest chat rating gets a lifetime ban. Once a month we also ban 1% of all users. The better your chat, the better your chat matches. If you have rubbish chat, you will be banned for life. Interesting, fun, kind, funny people win this app.

SuperBrowse for Netflix V3 is a complete rebuild. The old Pro version (which pissed a lot of people off when we started charging) is now free. The new Pro version has global search for actors & cast. Also has new & expiring content sections, and access to secret Netflix categories.
Search "Adam Driver" on NF, then with SuperBrowse. Which is better?

The Playlist Network for Brands is an easy and private way to help your favourite bars, cafes, & shops play your favourite music.
Our tool lets venue owners set filters such as genre & release date, then builds a playlist based on what the Facebook fans and target demographic have been listening to on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, and YouTube.