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Only 13% of online retailers provide shoppers with a completely personalized experience......what an insight to have for all the retailers & eCommerce players out there.
Highly recommended and a must read for such valuable insights and interesting trends.
eCommerce Personalization Report 2021
A research study across 200 retailers and 600 consumers

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Awesome tool to understand potential email related problems and to get
free recommendations to achieve high inbox delivery.Hats off to the team at Netcore!
Grade My Email
Helps you get out of the spam folder.

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What an insightful report. From global standards for email deliverability to how AI is influencing customer outreach this 50 billion email report covers it all. Truely a global report from a global email brand Netcore.
Email Benchmark Report 2020
A study of 50 billion+ emails across 15 major industries