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Angelo Milanetti
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I own both Android (Moto x 2013 vanilla) and iPhone 5s. Am I the only one to think that iOS navbar is too thin? Android Material navbar is so handy. If you check the difference is clear

UI Oh My
Compare iPhone and Android screens side by side

Angelo Milanetti
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I always find myself daydreaming of all the places I want to go, but most of my friends are not that adventurous... I would travel completely solo, but most of the times sharing an experience and meet new people is better and more safe (and you cut down to half most of the accomodation costs... hint: that's why is on my Save on travel collection ;)

Discover and connect with other like-minded travellers acros

Discover and connect with other like-minded travellers acros

Angelo Milanetti
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Summer is coming and I came across @lucylzhao 's Travel Hacks collection. One of the products on the list is Triprebel. One of the commenters mentioned Tingo, so here it is :) (my first hunt!)

Book an hotel, get refund if price drops

Book an hotel, get refund if price drops

Angelo Milanetti
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This is amazing. Even in modern countries like Japan and Italy we still see address problems (in japan for foreign people especially). GPS and maps sometimes are not enough. What3words is awesome for both individuals and companies. I live in a new neighborhood in Italy, and express couriers like UPS asked me for directions when I was on the street.
Congrats guys, I want to see this happen!

Any location on the globe with a unique 3 word combination

Angelo Milanetti
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In my country this pin buttons are not very popular. In fact, I have no idea what can I use them for, where to put them. I searched on google for "pin buttons marketing" "pin button use case"... I didn't get relevant results. tried to find some answers on buttonfrog pages, I still have no clear idea. The only thing I understood: "you show your support".
that's it, I think that my "alien...

Button Frog
Fastest and easiest way to order custom buttons online

Active admin
Admin Framework for Ruby on Rails

Angelo Milanetti
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@ikirigin first @yesgraph then it's gonna be an interesting time for growth hackers :)

Boost viral growth by recommending who users should invite

Angelo Milanetti
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I see product's maker used Wordpress, good choice for quick execution :)
I like what's happening around Meerkat, I see a lot of potential.
Let's go vertical :D

The best live & upcoming Meerkat streams

Angelo Milanetti
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One thing is frustrating: 99% of meerkat broadcasts are vertical videos. (don't try to change people behaviour, it won't happen) When you upload a vertical video, youtube adds those black bands left and right. And, while it's understandable on desktop, I hate to watch a video like that on mobile. shame on you, youtube! :D
How youtube should fix this: when someone uploads a vertical video,...

The record button for Meerkat

Angelo Milanetti
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How can you offer this for this for 5$ only? Any other monetization strategies like hosting upsell or...?

$5 Site Movers
Secure and Easy Site Migration

Angelo Milanetti
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I just saved about 100$, I was going to buy new RAM... but then: One Tab :)

Save 95% memory by converting all your open tabs into a list

Angelo Milanetti
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Loved the "introducing jelly"-style video :)

Tiiny 2.0
Share tiny photos and videos with your friends. New features

Angelo Milanetti
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Kevin is not an interviewer. He is like (or actually) a friend to most of the interviewees. This is why people feel at ease (allowing themselves to say more), and this is what makes Foundation special.

Interviews with amazing founders, hosted by Kevin Rose

Angelo Milanetti
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tagline should be "Material Design for Websites" ;)

Building blocks for the web

Angelo Milanetti
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Hi @gozmike I just threw up this together: introducing... Barack. to extend the concept. What I like of Ethan is its pureness, and now people can build new things on top of it, thanks to Ethanifier.
My vision for it is like "Charity dating" but via texting.
It can use different models: pay monthly, pay once, in app purchases... with messaging daily limits.
Or it can...

Build your own "Ethan" app in under 5 minutes