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Folders File Manager is designed for users who recently transitioned from a PC as well as for those who have always missed a tree-style file manager on their Mac. Now with a free 14-day trial!

Folders File Manager
The macOS file manager for (former) Windows users

Andriy Konstantynov
left a comment
Over 7 months have passed since the first launch of Folders. During that time it has grown with 40+ cool new features and improvements, many of which were made according to users' suggestions.
Today Folders receives its most important update so far, finally becoming free to download with a fully functional 14-day trial. I would be very happy to hear your thoughts on how I can improve the app...

Folders File Manager
The macOS file manager for (former) Windows users

Andriy Konstantynov
left a comment
Congratulations on the launch! 🇺🇦
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Folders File Manager is designed for users who recently transitioned from a PC as well as for those who have always missed a tree-style file manager on their Mac.

The macOS file manager for (former) Windows users

Andriy Konstantynov
left a comment
When I changed my daily working environment from Windows to Mac, I was quite surprised to not find an Explorer-like file manager for macOS. For a newcomer, Finder seemed just a bit more confusing than I would prefer, so I set to work, and there you have it. Meet Folders, a file manager that combines the good old folder tree with a sleek look of a native macOS app.
This is the first release of...

The macOS file manager for (former) Windows users

Andriy Konstantynov
left a comment
Looks very promising, but I agree with other commenters on the necessity to try before the payment. On the other hand, I understand that a real trial could be very easy to abuse, so I would suggest choosing from a limited set of key phrases as a demo.
Good luck with your launch!

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