Andrew Mugoya

Andrew Mugoya

Exploring ideas, tech and innovation.
8 points
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Andrew Mugoya
Andrew Mugoya
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Well done. Congratulations and all the best.
All-In-one business management software for your business
Andrew Mugoya
Buying a home is such a daunting process. So many tasks to remember. A lot can go wrong.

Home Purchase Checklist helps you avoid the pitfalls of buying a home. Loaded with all the important tasks that you need to complete, learnt through painful experience.
Home Purchase Checklist
Home Purchase Checklist
A simple checklist app for home buyers
Andrew Mugoya
How can you objectively calculate whether a product will be adopted (and paid for) by customers? This is a framework to help you do that!
Strathpath Product-Market Fit Calculator
Strathpath Product-Market Fit Calculator
A simple framework for calculating product-market fit
Andrew Mugoya
Andrew Mugoya
left a comment
Nice. They look really good.
A set of 28 HD wallpapers in 5k for your next project
Andrew Mugoya
Use Reminded to schedule and track automated reminders for groups via email or SMS.

Use it at home, at work and for business. With friends, your team and clients.
Automated reminders for groups