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Andrew L. Johnson
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We are a trio of Magic nerds, and we wanted a market focused entirely on MTG that would support amazing an amazing shopping and collecting experience.

Mana Pool
The Marketplace for Magic Cards

Mana Pool is the marketplace for Magic cards, focused 100% on the MTG community. Shop for singles and sealed products, or sell cards on Mana Pool.

Mana Pool
The Marketplace for Magic Cards

Andrew L. Johnson
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@datamongers built an amazing machine.

Trail Finder by Gaia GPS (open beta)
Plot a precise trail with the Gaia GPS Trail Finder

Trail Finder by Gaia GPS (open beta)
Plot a precise trail with the Gaia GPS Trail Finder

Andrew L. Johnson
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Get unique insights about app sales with App Theta. It's based on my experience making apps, and the technical wizardry of my co-founder Dan Felix, an ex-Google machine learning expert.

App Theta
Estimate Competitors' Revenue with App Theta

App Theta
Estimate Competitors' Revenue with App Theta

Gaia GPS for Apple Watch
Topo Maps on Your Wrist