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Andrew Lynch
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@TaylorPearsonMe if someone was 25 with a thousand dollars and no exceptional skills, and wanted to start a business or start freelancing, where would you recommend they start? What skills should that person learn? Presumably they should start with some sort of apprenticeship like you mention in the book?

The End of Jobs
Money, meaning and freedom without the 9-to-5

Andrew Lynch
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From the back cover:
"The rapid development of technology and globalization has changed the leverage points in accumulating wealth: money, meaning and freedom. Those that don’t adapt are becoming trapped in the downward spiral of a dying middle class - working harder and earning less. Entrepreneurs that understand the new paradigm, have created unprecedented wealth in their lives and the...

The End of Jobs
Money, meaning and freedom without the 9-to-5

The End of Jobs
Money, meaning and freedom without the 9-to-5

Andrew Lynch
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Cal's previous books were a big influence on me both when I was a student, and I've continued to heed his advice as I'm early in my career. In his latest book, Deep Work, Cal exhorts the value of deep work -- difficult, mentally taxing and value-producing work -- over what he calls "shallow work", which he categorizes as email, mindless admin, meetings and the like. He argues that by focusing...

Deep Work
Rules for focused success in a distracted world

Deep Work
Rules for focused success in a distracted world

Andrew Lynch
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Hey Steve, I'm a big fan of your site, and I'll definitely check out the book.
One thing that always impressed me about Nerd Fitness was the length and quality of your posts -- they're always really well written, well structured, and researched in a good amount of depth. So I'm curious: what does your writing process look like, both for the blog and for this book?

Level Up Your Life
Live your life like a videogame

Andrew Lynch
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@amimran this looks REALLY useful for us -- currently we're split across Dropbox, Evernote, Google Drive, Basecamp, Trello and Hellosign, and having all of that in one place would be fantastic. Some questions:
1) What's your estimated timeline for getting Basecamp, Gmail, Evernote and Hellosign supported?
2) When you have Basecamp support, is the idea that I'll be able to create and manage...

The New Minbox
Organize and collaborate across clouds

Andrew Lynch
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This book is a hard lesson that a lot of young people need to read. "Follow your passion" isn't just poor or misguided advice -- it could actually be harmful. Newport convincingly argues that what you should do instead is focus on building rare and valuable skills, so that, in the words of comedian Steve Martin, you become "so good they can't ignore you".
If you're in the early stages of your...

So Good They Can't Ignore You
Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love

So Good They Can't Ignore You
Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love

Andrew Lynch
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Described as "Britain's Malcolm Gladwell", Tim Harford explains the principles you need to know to survive and thrive in a complex, unpredictable and fast-changing world. There are parallels here, clearly, with the Lean Startup movement, but Harford's lessons apply much more widely, to big companies, the military, governments, regulators, and individuals too. A great read.

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure
How to navigate and succeed in a complex and unpredictable …

Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure
How to navigate and succeed in a complex and unpredictable …

Andrew Lynch
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This is a masterfully written book -- it's essentially a thriller about mortgage bonds. Michael Lewis is one of the only writers who could pull that off, and he did a great job here. Malcolm Gladwell described this as "probably the best non-fiction writing ever."
Lewis tells the story of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 from the perspective of a handful of colorful, contrarian characters who...

The Big Short
Michael Lewis reveals the inside story of the financial cra…

The Big Short
Michael Lewis reveals the inside story of the financial cra…

Andrew Lynch
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I probably highlighted more sections of this book than any other I've read recently. The author, Guy Spier, was a young, brash Wall Street guy who, almost by accident, stumbled upon the lessons of Warren Buffett, Ben Graham, Charlie Munger and others.
It sounds like an investing book, but there's actually a lot more to learn here about life in general: about humility, about gratitude, about...

The Education of a Value Investor
What happens when a young hedge fund manager spends a small…

The Education of a Value Investor
What happens when a young hedge fund manager spends a small…

Andrew Lynch
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I destroyed this book with my highlighter. Whole pages and swathes of text covered in bright yellow. I probably highlighted a higher percentage of this book than any other.
This is a fantastic book for anyone who, like me, is interested in the investment strategies and philosophies of Charlie Munger and Warren Buffett. Griffin builds a framework to help anyone think like Charlie: the...

Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor
A unified theory of Charlie Munger's investment strategies

Charlie Munger: The Complete Investor
A unified theory of Charlie Munger's investment strategies

Andrew Lynch
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I really like this book. Everyone's quick to extoll the virtues of remote working, but as someone who struggled with loneliness, distraction and procrastination all as a result of moving to working remotely, this book does a great job addressing those and giving advice on how to tackle those problems.

Meetings are toxic

The Daily Practice Journal
Track your progress with James Altucher's Daily Practice

Andrew Lynch
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Hi guys, Andrew here -- I created this product.
First, let me thank @jaltucher for the idea of the Daily Practice. It truly changed my life, and I really believe it can change anyone's life. Without him, this idea and this product wouldn't exist.
Happy to answer any questions you guys have or talk about it some more. I'd love to hear from anyone who has used the Daily Practice to turn their...

The Daily Practice Journal
A journal for users of James Altucher's Daily Practice