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Check to see if a winner has been projected in the election — with no news, predictions, or commentary to suck you into the chaos beforehand. Super silly and simple, but a good nudge for your mental health.
Your premier election night non-viewing experience.

Andrew Catton
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Some people truly enjoy watching election night coverage. Good for them. This is for everyone else.
* No news about how it’s going.
* No analysis.
* No commentary.
* No speculation.
* No conspiracy theories.
Check here to see if a winner has been projected. Then you can go find out what happened and how. Or not.
Your premier election night non-viewing experience.

Andrew Catton
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Hi all! I'd love to get some feedback on my direct-manipulation number line app for kids, so I've changed the price to free for the next day or so:
It's useful for my son already (6 years old), and was an interesting UI challenge trying to make essentially a tool simple enough for kids that age to use. Please check it out and pass it on!
Share your product here to get support, feedback, users (w/c 4th of May)
Aaron O'Leary
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A "copilot" app for kids aged 3-8 who are just getting comfortable with numbers, counting and basic arithmetic. Rather than another lesson program, this is a copilot: a utility that they can have on hand when doing homework or anything else math-related.
Math Copilot Number Line
Help kids learn math by directly manipulating a number line.

Andrew Catton
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Like many parents, I’ve spent more time recently helping out with kids’ schoolwork. This got me thinking about a new class of educational tools: secondary “Copilot” applications that support kids (and their parents and teachers) when they are doing homework, learning something new or reinforcing their understanding.
Math Copilot Number Line is a first example of this, aimed at kids aged 3-8,...
Math Copilot Number Line
Help kids learn math by directly manipulating a number line.

Scatterdot + Slack
Point at things in pictures & discuss them