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Andrei Oprisan
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It's going to be tough for Toast and others to compete with Square's offering.

Square for Restaurants
Full service at full speed

Andrei Oprisan
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Sucks to be Sonos right about now..

Apple HomePod
The new home entertainment system by Apple

Andrei Oprisan
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I hear Snapchat is already working on copying this feature.

Not Hotdog
An app that shows if your food is a hotdog ðŸŒ

Andrei Oprisan
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They need to ease up on the hyperbole. No technical details on how this is better/faster/stronger than other Ubuntu distros. And by default is come unsecured (no disk encryption enabled by default?!?), so.. yeah, give me a break.

Zorin OS 12
Open source Linux-based OS that is fast, powerful and secure

Andrei Oprisan
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How does this compare with ? (which is free, btw)

Install hidden iOS apps in just one tap without jailbreaking

Andrei Oprisan
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Only in Germany

Mercedes-Benz's new P2P on-demand car sharing service

Andrei Oprisan
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Does this support Apple Pay? Also, a wizard setup would be nice, making it easier for designers than developers, as it stands. Really awesome work here, congrats!
Commerce.js 1.0
Create the best commerce experiences with API level control

Andrei Oprisan
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How big is your user base, roughly? Product looks great!
Social Media and CX Management Platform.

Andrei Oprisan
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So, a larger, crappier iPhone 7 than the iPhone 7. I think I'll pass on this one. Really, it's an iPhone 6, with it's non-stereo sound and lack of water-proofing.
Pixel by Google
Google's new phones, Pixel and Pixel XL

Andrei Oprisan
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I'm not sure whether or not this is a parody product or if it will ship.

Material Dock for Apple Watch & iPhone 7
Wood docks for iPhone and Apple Watch

Andrei Oprisan
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A great way to bring about positive change!

Make America Colorful Again
A Donald Trump coloring book, badly drawn.

Andrei Oprisan
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Any chance the web highlighter will be open sourced?
LINER for Chrome
Highlight everything! From Wikipedia to PDF files

Andrei Oprisan
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how often is this updated?

Passport Index 2016
View the world's passports and see how they rank

Andrei Oprisan
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I love this idea but without USPS/UPS/FedEx/DHL buy-in (or credit card issuer level, pre-filling address based on card fingerprint, as they know what the address is - I believe Stripe does something similar with their buy now buttons and checkout), it's not going anywhere.

Shorten physical addresses to a 6 digit code

Andrei Oprisan
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I've been waiting for this for quite some time, excellent product!

Where developers stay informed of API changes & discussion

Andrei Oprisan
left a comment data is based on live FEC data at

Trump Donor Registry
All individuals & companies that have donated to Trump 2016

Trump Donor Registry
All individuals & companies that have donated to Trump 2016

Andrei Oprisan
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Trump So Poor
Trending #trumpsopoor Twitter mentions based on FEC news

Trump So Poor
Trending #trumpsopoor Twitter mentions based on FEC news