Amruth Pillai

Amruth Pillai

Maker of Reactive Resume
78 points
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Amruth Pillai
Reactive Resume is a free and open-source resume builder that simplifies the process of creating, updating, and sharing your resume. With zero user tracking or advertising, your privacy is a top priority. The new version comes with a ton of exciting features.
Reactive Resume v4
A free and open-source resume builder
Amruth Pillai
Reactive Resume is a free and open source resume builder that's built to make the mundane tasks of creating, updating and sharing your resume as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Reactive Resume v3
Reactive Resume v3
A free and open source resume builder
Amruth Pillai
Time Enna is an app to help you look up the time across multiple timezones, a simple but helpful utility for the remote world.
Time Enna
Time Enna
Timezone conversion utility app
Amruth Pillai
Everyone needs their own little spot on the interwebs, and this is mine. Welcome to my resume, on the web!
Resume on the Web
Resume on the Web
My personal website, a creative place to get to know me :)
Amruth Pillai
Reactive Resume is a minimalistic and straightforward resume builder that focuses on clean design, user data privacy, quick ease of use, and easy resume updates. If you are someone who cares about any of these issues, this is for you!
Reactive Resume
Reactive Resume
A resume builder that's offline, personalizable, and free!
Amruth Pillai
Be Thrifty Today is a simple and secure money management app that helps you track your incomes and expenses. It is designed in a way that helps you become financially vigilant within seconds of using the app.
Be Thrifty Today
Be Thrifty Today
A simple and secure money manager app.
Amruth Pillai
Amruth Pillai
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This is awesome! Any ideas on porting it to Figma?
User Profile Plugin 0.5v for Adobe XD
Enables designers to display beautiful generated avatars 📸
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