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Findnlink is the place where ideas become reality.
We will turn your idea into a awesome project that includes a logo, job postings, and a Kanban board, all powered by AI.
Get in touch with like-minded people and work together on your project.

Generate your project with AI

Findnlink is a platform where you can share your projects and find co-founders/members.
- Customize your project page
- Create your own portfolio / profile
- Show your skills
We want to make Findnlink a great virtual workspace to connect teams together 👌
Find people to work with on your ideas.

Ali Karami
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We are very moved by the corona crisis, which is why we have developed an app. 🙇🏻
We want to make an active contribution with this app
Overcoming the Corona Crisis. 🙏🏻

The spread of the covid-19 slows down with Helpy

When the app is opened, the contact persons are saved securely and anonymously. If a person is infected, they press a button. All of his contact persons are automatically notified.
This app is based on self-courage to work together against the virus. ❤️ ☯

The spread of the covid-19 slows down with Helpy