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    Ali G
    SIGN.PLUS is a legally binding eSignature solution designed to make workflows faster, easier, more secure, and more reliable. - Fill and Sign Documents - Send Documents for Signature - Tamper-Proof Audit Trail - Abide to Industry-Leading Compliance Standards
    Legally-binding electronic signature solution
    Ali G

    Integrate your FAX.PLUS account with your Slack workspace and get notified of received faxes and the status of your sent fax.

    FAX.PLUS is a HIPAA compliant online fax service that gives you the ability to send and receive faxes online.

    FAX.PLUS Slack App (Online Faxing in Slack)
    FAX.PLUS Slack App (Online Faxing in Slack)
    An app to receive faxes & fax delivery status in Slack.
    Ali G

    FAX.PLUS is a secure online fax service. It is HIPAA compliant, cross-platform, easy to use, and extremely secure. Learn more on https://www.fax.plus

    Send and receive faxes online (Super easy and very secure)
    Ali G
    Ali G
    Cloud based phone solution for startups and SMEs