Alex Wallish

Alex Wallish

Just graduated; full time maker
21 points
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Alex Wallish
Alex Wallish
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Great job fellas. Great idea and nice execution.
Social Checkout
A checkout API to tap into social sales
Alex Wallish
Alex Wallish
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I didn't mean to launch this yet whoops.
Automatically Detect Coding Assignment Leaks
Alex Wallish
CodeLock helps instructors and interviewers protect the integrity of their coding challenges by scanning hundreds of sources to detect leaks.
Automatically Detect Coding Assignment Leaks
Alex Wallish
Alex Wallish
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I really like this. I'll give it a try for my next project.
Cirrus v0.6
Cirrus v0.6
A component centric CSS framework for fast prototyping.
Alex Wallish is the all-in-one platform for apply to internships and new grad jobs, prepping for interviews, and keeping track of all your applications.
Everything you need to land an internship or new grad job.
Alex Wallish
Matchbox.VC is a platform for connecting founders with investors in a low pressure and fun environment.
Founders get to connect and pitch awesome investors, and investors get to source hot companies, all while doing something they enjoy.

Connecting founders and investors through games
Alex Wallish
Alex Wallish
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Which would you rather see?
Connecting founders and investors through games
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