Alex Lizogub

Alex Lizogub

Marketing Director @ OnSched
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Alex Lizogub
Alex Lizogub
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Why is it asking permission to record my screen and audio? ?makers
The macOS menu bar app to picture-in-picture any window
+1 comment
Alex Lizogub
Alex Lizogub
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Is there a Safari extension? ?makers
Jiffy Reader
Jiffy Reader
Read anything on the internet faster and more clearly
Alex Lizogub
Alex Lizogub
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App looks really nice. Why no sing-up inside the app?
CodeSandbox for iOS
Create anytime, anywhere, together with CodeSandbox for iOS
Alex Lizogub
Alex Lizogub
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Did you guys steal Harvard Business Review design? Tell me no.
Testing Business Ideas
Testing Business Ideas
A practical guide to effective business model testing