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Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Congrats on the launch Brian!
Get better design feedback and keep everyone in the loop
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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3 ways to be better at hosting podcast interviews

1. Do a lot of guest research - people love it when you take the time to understand their past experiences and ask questions about them. Bring up any points from their story that the audience may be curious about. Find obscure details, read their entire bio, watch existing content they've produced, and consume any of their work - it will help. 2. Ask your open ended question, and then shut up...
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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My skills in growth and design :)
Umar Saleem
What's one skill you're currently working on developing?
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Congrats on your launch Dan! Excited to take the courses!
Design System University
Design System University
Curriculum & community to support how you design at scale.
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Who are reliable community leaders on ProductHunt anyone should follow?

Feel free to endorse yourself! I'm new to the community and would like to know who has been most helpful. I know one of the top hunters KP and have interviewed him too:
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Anyone active on Twitter? Drop your handle below!

Here's mine @alexiscollado I write about freelancing, design, early-stage careers as a product designer, leadership, Webflow, building a startup as a design co-founder, and others. Feel free to drop your handle and share what you typically write about!
Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Yeah but optics wise no one will probably want to post their failure stories, or at least it's too high friction to do. What are your thoughts?
Daria Kakarova
Do you feel lack of “true founder’s stories” not only “successful success”?
Daria Kakarova
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Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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Competing with 100s of other people!
Jameson Campbell
What are the most painful problems with job hunting?
Jameson Campbell
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Alexis Collado
Alexis Collado
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I love exercising. It always resets my perspective. Always getting some small wins in.
Martin Baun
What do you believe is the best thing to do when facing a creative block or a lack of motivation ?