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Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I check my balance now and then, and it is especially important to know what I have at the end of the year.
Michael Stan
Would you like to know your bank balance at the end of this year?
Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I think it is hard to stand out and attract customers. Though all sellers face this issue, regardless of resources.
Imran Razak
What’s the problems sellers have on platforms like eBay, Amazon and Etsy?
Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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How is your project going?
Summer Kim
Do you think there could be an IT product that could replace Google Workspace?
Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I guess it can be something personalized. Everyone has things they like.
Swapnil D Puranik
What's the best gift for a friend who recently launched a startup?
Swapnil D Puranik
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Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I use hard drives and iCloud. No issues.
What's your favourite cloud storage and backup?
Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I had a business idea several years ago. The world has been changing rapidly, so yes, my journey differed from one I planned.
How has the journey from idea to launch affected your team and business strategy?
Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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Of course, we can help. The war is not over and cities have been destroyed.
Daniel Wyrzykowski
Helping Ukraine as a community of makers?
Daniel Wyrzykowski
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Alexia Gold
Alexia Gold
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I think, yes. Until you work for someone, you will always earn as much as they are ready to pay you.
Alexey Anshakov
Is starting a small business the best way to achieve financial independence?
Alexey Anshakov
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