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Awesome, just what I needed! Keep up the good work 🙌🏻
Book a flight for 1/10 of the cost upfront.
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I thought about this concept for a while as well, however I just couldn't find a way to verify trustworthy people. I see onPony uses other services as trust-verification method, but I still keep thinking:
What if a traveler decides to keep the object? That'd be theft, I know, but for me - mostly shipping (expensive) gadgets - I don't know whether I would take the risk.
Giving my laptop to a...
Save on your deliveries and earn on your travels
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I honestly did not expect any 'new' browser to impress me, ever. But holy shit, this is pretty great. It's still an obvious wip product, but very exciting to see some new takes on browsers!
(however, I really really really need extensions. Lastpass is a must)
Opera Neon
A concept of tomorrow’s web browser you can play with today.
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I'm not so sure about this. There's a discussion on reddit, someone said:
'Everything about this is wrong. There is nothing on the site other than a single CAD model and a few absurd claims, but you can already "pre-order" it for over $4000.
The website is just full of lies.
20 minute flight time? Those props look less than 4". The weight is "less than 2kg", which I can assume means it's...
The world's first autonomous surveillance drone for home