Alessio Boost Software Agency

Boost Software Agency Profit
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Amazing product! And amazing founder! High suggested tool! Well done @mohamedghaith !
Stunning AI
The fastest way to build website, socials & blogs - with AI.
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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How I Found My First Job as a Developer (and 5 More Ways)

Hey there! It's Alessio, and today, I want to talk about something many budding developers find daunting: landing that first job. Starting out in the tech world can feel like diving into the deep end, but fear not! I've been there, and I'm here to share my journey and some handy tips to help you along the way. So let's dive in! Why Become a Developer? Before we jump into job-hunting...
It's an amazing opportunity! 💸🚀
I'm giving out 3 lifetime promo codes for AgencyDots ($500+) 💸🚀
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Alessio Boost Software Agency
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I'm giving out 3 lifetime promo codes for AgencyDots ($500+) 💸🚀

Hey there! I'm offering 3 lifetime promo codes for AgencyDots, the best Client Reporting Tool for Software Agencies (valued at more than $500 each). To qualify, simply meet these easy conditions: 1. You must be the executive/founder of a Software Agency. 2. Your agency should have a minimum of 10 employees. Spread the word — this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
That's an amazing idea! Congrats, @istiakahmad!!!
Run WhatsApp marketing campaign, tracking, scheduling & CRM
CEOs, COOs, etc..
What communities do Software Agency Executives typically engage with?
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Alessio Boost Software Agency
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What communities do Software Agency Executives typically engage with?

Hello! I'm wondering if you know any communities for Software Agency Executives. Best!
118. I live in Barcelona (Spain)
Subin Babu
Share your streak count and hometown! 😊
Honest opinions, please!
Roast my startup: Executive Project Management Software
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Roast my startup: Executive Project Management Software

Hello everybody! I'm launching the second iteration of a Project Management Software for Agency Executives. The goal is to give the right visibility to make the best decisions. The differences from other PMS: - Executive-Level Insight - Centralized Information Hub - Client Collaboration Portal For Executives - Advanced Analytics and Forecasting The main features: - A timeline where you...
Ghulam Abbas
I hit 1000 followers on LinkedIn 😻 Let's celebrate 🎉
4 Special Reasons Why I Explain My Ideas
Alessio Boost Software Agency
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Alessio Boost Software Agency
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4 Special Reasons Why I Explain My Ideas

Hey there, It’s Alessio, the Founder of BaliBam 🙂 I started five startups. Unfortunately, four of them failed in the first few months. In the first one, I made three common mistakes: - I kept my idea secret too much. - I thought just having the idea was enough. - I teamed up with the wrong person. Now, I share my ideas with others as much as possible. There are four big reasons why: -...