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Aleix Ventayol
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We are thrilled to announce Bugfender’s new javascript SDK for the frontend, which applies the simplicity of our mobile SDKs to web applications.
Bugfender JS has all the features that you already know from iOS and the Android SDKs, enabling you to:
- Send logs
- Open issues
- Create custom fields for each device
Let us know if you have any questions.

Bugfender Web SDK
Remote Logger, Crash Reporter and In-App User Feedback

Bugfender lets you see your mobile or web application logs remotely for any given user. Reproduce and fix bugs faster than ever. Bugfender is battery and network efficient and keeps logging even if the device is offline.

Bugfender Web SDK
Remote Logger, Crash Reporter and In-App User Feedback

Localname provides secure Access to your local development server. No longer fiddle with router configurations, IP's or ports. Localname provides a single URL that just works.

Provide Secure Access to Your Local Development Server

Aleix Ventayol
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Hi Everyone,
I'm one of the cofounders of Bugfender. We've had been working on the product for some months now and we are happy to get your feedback and thoughts.
As mobile developers we had been always frustated with bugs we cannot reproduce on our devices, so we decided to build a tool to help us fixing this bugs, this how we started Bugfender a tool that allows us to check what's...

Cloud logging for your apps, not only crashes matter

Bugfender lets you access your application's logs from anywhere in the globe. Bugfender collects everything happening in the application, even if it doesn’t crash, in order to reproduce and resolve bugs more effectively and provide better customer support

Cloud logging for your apps, not only crashes matter

Buttons CM
Bulletproof email buttons

Regex 101
Online regex tester and debugger

Aleix Ventayol
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What I like the product is that you can change the analytics after the site is live, so you don't need to plan ahead what you need to measure.

Capture everything and measure instantly.

Tomato Timer
Very simple pomodoro timer

El Libro Negro del Emprendedor
Los errores más habituales que cometen los emprendedores

Aleix Ventayol
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Really nice interface and quite easy to use for Freelancers

Freelance invoicing as simple as email

Freelance invoicing as simple as email