Alberto Carbognin

Alberto Carbognin

Founder of Bakney and software engineer.
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Alberto Carbognin
One simple API call that renders HTML with any Javascript dynamic content to PDF, Screenshots Images, Videos, or even HTML and saves it automatically to your S3 bucket.
Html2pdf API
Html2pdf API
Transform HTML to PDF, images, and videos instantly
Alberto Carbognin
Flagmetrics is a tool for Saas companies and solopreneurs to help reach product-market fit faster by understanding customer behavior with feature tracking and customer segmentation.
Helping Saas businesses to reach product-market fit faster.
Alberto Carbognin
Discover DraftyCode, a subscription-based Python scripting service. Quality scripts for automation, AI, email, Django MVPs, and more. No long-term commitments. Join today, automate away!
Coding subscriptions to grow your business no doubt about it
Alberto Carbognin
Bakney Sport helps sports associations to remove bureaucracy from their worries. It's a Saas CRM-like platform that targets the sports industry. We are starting from the Italian market.
Bakney Sport
Helping sports associations to remove bureaucracy