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Depthify is an iOS app that works with the dual-camera setup on the iPhone 7+, 8+, and X.

Refocus and Change Depth-of-Field of Images...After Shooting

Trivia on your TV, not TV trivia.

OS X 10.11 El Capitan
To download El Capitan, launch the App Store app in your App

Block annoying advertisements and tracking from downloading.

Universal translator for Apple Watch

Alaric Cole
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These guys have been doing a great job. The embed tool they launched is super useful for indies. May they be blessed with many affiliate pennies!

Best Apple Watch Apps
A Curated List of Best Apple Watch Apps

Alaric Cole
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Browse the Web Like It's 1995:

Browse the Web Like It's 1995 (on your Apple Watch)

Browse the Web Like It's 1995 (on your Apple Watch)

Alaric Cole
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I'm just going to leave this here for comedic purposes: (ever so slightly NSFW).

Communicate with animated drawings from your iOS keyboard

Alaric Cole
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This was built when the Apple Watch was announced. I thought, why not take the personal drawings, captured stroke by stroke, that the Watch has, and bring it to every iphone?

Communicate with animated drawings from your iOS keyboard

Reddit client for the Apple Watch

Communicate with animated drawings from your iOS keyboard

Alaric Cole
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An essential.

Glyphish Icons: Watchkit
Watchkit version of the famous & fabulous Glyphish icon set!

Alaric Cole
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It's updated hourly, when the guy who runs it isn't asleep. Just woke up wondering why I was getting so many submissions.
Right now, you send me a link to an app that's live already in the store, with an explanation and screenshot or video of the watch version. The idea behind this list is, these are apps that will already have the watch binary waiting on your phone, and will be on your...

App Watch List
A list of Apple Watch apps

App Watch List
A list of Apple Watch apps