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Hey product hunt community! Created this site to help bring some entertainment to people. Whether you want to make your friends laugh, or wish your friend a happy birthday, StarVoiceAi can help with that. Let me know your thoughts!

Make your favorite celebrity say anything

Create funny clips, prank your friends, wish them happy birthday, all with just a few clicks.

Make your favorite celebrity say anything

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whats the turnaround time for certain designs?

All your digital product needs without the headaches

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ui is very nice, looks tempting to use
TidyCal 3.0
The simple calendar and booking solution

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Hey Product Hunt community! 👋
As you know, some of the most successful businesses involve and idea that solves a certain problem or pain point for a community. In the past, I've struggled finding communities, determining their problems and needs, and brainstorming a solution for them.
This is where RedditChatLab can help 🤖🤖
We have trained bots on individual subreddits latest and most recent...

Conduct research, brainstorm unique business ideas instantly

Conduct user research, figure out pain points and come up with business solutions by talking to chatbots trained on the latest subreddit posts and comments.

Conduct research, brainstorm unique business ideas instantly

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grats on the launch
Punch Time Tracker
Make every minute pack a punch with Airtable

Simply upload a picture of your face. Next, upload the picture you'd like to swap with your face, and then click the 'swap' button.
Swap faces with your favourite celebrity or a picture of your friends!
Swap your face with any picture!

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Hey all! Long time lurker here, this is my first time launching something on Product Hunt.
I built this fun tool to give people the ability to face swap with their friends or favorite celebrities! Created a 30% discount code PHLAUNCH if you wish to try the paid version, Let me know what you think!
Swap your face with any picture!