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ajitesh gogoi
BookSync seamlessly syncs your Kindle highlights to Notion, keeping your favourite book passages organised effortlessly. With one-click integration, smart deduplication and background processing, it’s fast and reliable. Enjoy!
Sync your Kindle highlights to Notion
ajitesh gogoi
Boil perfect eggs every time with our precise egg timer! Choose egg size, yolk type (runny, soft or hard), and starting temperature (room or fridge). Get perfectly boiled eggs tailored to your taste, whether it’s for breakfast, brunch or a snack.
Perfect Egg Timer
Perfect Egg Timer
Get perfectly boiled eggs with this precise egg timer
ajitesh gogoi
A cyberpunk-themed trading game where players navigate the underground market of virtual AI drugs. Buy low, sell high, and become the ultimate AI Drug Tycoon while avoiding government crackdowns and managing your virtual empire.
AI Addiction Network
AI Addiction Network
Buy & sell virtual drugs to become the next AI drugs tycoon!
ajitesh gogoi
Spark meaningful conversations effortlessly. With tailored themes, unique perspectives and emotional depth, get thought-provoking prompts for any setting— social gatherings, team-building or self-reflection. Turn small talk into deeper connections in seconds!
Cozy Connect
Cozy Connect
Meaningful question prompts for heartfelt conversations