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Ajay Sharma
An export-ready Figma file for creating iOS - Apple Store and Android - Play Store Assets into different sizes. Use this file to generate all the necessary assets for both iOS - Apple Store and Android - Play Store Screenshots.
Appstore & Playstore Screenshot Template
Appstore & Playstore Screenshot Template
An export-ready Figma file for creating app assets
Ajay Sharma
Ajay Sharma
started a discussion

Do you also struggle to write Microcopy?

Many a time, I have struggled with writing microcopy for my project (be it mobile or web). Have you also faced similar issues? In case you have faced similar problem, How did you solve it?
Ajay Sharma
Ajay Sharma
started a discussion

What is that one thing that you want for checking accessibility?

As a UX Designer, we are always looking to make digital products accessible to all. There are many tools to check accessibility of your design, but still many designers have raised concerns about having: a tool that could validate entire color systems instead of just individual contrast ratios. a tool that could stimulate Dar & Light themes simultaneously. and many more... What do you guys...
Ajay Sharma
An export-ready Figma file for creating iOS - Apple Store and Android - Play Store Screenshots. Generate all the necessary assets for both iOS - Apple Store and Android - Play Store Screenshots. Additional information on the Readme/Documentation page.
App Store & Play Store Assets Template
Figma Template | Export Ready | No Plugin Required