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joshua bradley
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LTSE Equity has really come along to be perhaps the best overall cap table product going — features aligned with mission, delivered transparently for founders. With the latest launch, I think I can make a strong case to my board to finally switch from our walled garden cap table software.
As an aside, I drove 6hrs in 2010 to catch @ericries at a talk and ask for some thoughts on the state of...

LTSE Equity
Plan, manage, and collaborate on startup equity

joshua bradley
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I’ve been a private beta user for a little bit and it was a solid early product. With the latest updates, Reader has become a great product with a clear and promising pathway to becoming a killer app. Congratulations to @homsit and @ddoyon for all their hard work paying off and a successful launch.

Readwise Reader
The all-in-one reading app for power readers

joshua bradley
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Rize is one of my favorite products and tools for 2021 - I just proposed using it for our entire remote team

Rize Windows App
An intelligent time tracker that makes you more productive

joshua bradley
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I've used OnePager for our seed raise and it has been helpful to keep tabs on folks interacting and having a solid place to send new interested investors.

OnePager 2.0
Custom webpages with analytics for a startup’s information

joshua bradley
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Congratulations to the HVMN team on a great product + everything bagel 🥯 flavor FTW
H.V.M.N. Keto Food Bar
Real Food, Real Keto, Real Delicious - Really!

joshua bradley
left a comment -> helping kids master math
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Lluís Ventura
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joshua bradley
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Alfred is the best and @chrismessina always delivers!

Alfred Custom Web Searches
Curated list of useful searches for the Mac's best launcher

joshua bradley
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This is potentially a very interesting tool and shows a good use case for how to use it to monitor competitors. It does look like the ML floating relevant things to the top might need some work, as it points out changes on an important page for Warren, but it's just a change in the copyright year.
Election 2020 Web Change Monitor
We crawl candidates' sites and use ML to surface key changes

joshua bradley
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Monitoring location and employees seems marginally useful. The monitoring of pricing and product offerings are clearly valuable, but content posts/news releases could be the most valuable, do you track that?
Deep Dive Duck
Our AI reports show key changes to competitor sites

joshua bradley
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Would this work on a Pine64?

An open-source home assistant powered by a Raspberry Pi 🗣️

joshua bradley
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I've been waiting for a solid solution to make highlights more usable with little effort and this looks like it might be it! @homsit 👏 for bootstrapping with paid plan. I'd much rather pay for a company to have a future than leech as a free user and have to replace down the road
The best way to remember your ebooks & articles

joshua bradley
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Instant Pot owners may go out and adopt dogs just to feed them this awesome chow!

YaDoggie Fresh
Instant Pot-Ready Fresh Food for Healthier, Happier Doggies

joshua bradley
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I haven't used Humble Dot, but I've met the co-founders and was impressed by their view on the points of friction in managing teams. These guys are doing the work to help you focus on what really matters when it comes to managing people.
Humble Dot
A free tool that eliminates meetings.

joshua bradley
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The actual genius of Handlescout may actually be the expiring "magic link" for totally frictionless (and perfectly described) on-boarding.

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joshua bradley
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♥ this

Itty bitty
A tool to create websites contained within their own link

joshua bradley
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These would be super fun to have on the 545 mile bike ride from SF to LA this June!
Spectacles v2
Sunglasses that capture your world, the way you see it.