Ahmed Ibrahim

Ahmed Ibrahim

We build what is next .
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Ahmed Ibrahim
Create professional and personalized voicemail greetings for free! No credit card or sign-up required. Generate your custom audio file in seconds and make a lasting impression.
Perfect Greet
Perfect Greet
100% Free Pro Voicemail Greeting
Ahmed Ibrahim
Website Downloader. allows you to Download 💡 the complete source of any website (including all assets). [ Javascripts, Stylesheets, Images ]
Website Dwloader - Take website offline
Ahmed Ibrahim
Since the world is staying home, we figured we should put together a list of available resources that could help us through these interesting times.
COVID Resources
COVID Resources
A list of COVID resources
Ahmed Ibrahim
Free software for local transportation in Cairo.
3lagnb.com | Cairo Local transportation
3lagnb.com | Cairo Local transportation
Ahmed Ibrahim
Download the complete source code of any website (including all assets) 🔨.
Webloader- Download the complete website
Webloader- Download the complete website
Ahmed Ibrahim
Imageiry is dynamic graph images API that gives stunning look on social media and all graph image supported platforms.
Read more about the product on GitHub and feel free to share your thoughts for future updates.
Uh! It's free.
Imageiry | Dynamic API for Graph images
Imageiry | Dynamic API for Graph images
Make your content looks stunning on social media.
Ahmed Ibrahim
Blood bot is the first Arabic Messenger bot that allows people to request blood from nearby donors
Blood Bot | Donors nearby
Blood Bot | Donors nearby
Blood bot allow people to donate blood and request nearby.