Afgan Shahguliyev

Afgan Shahguliyev

Building AI Chat Web Extension
4 points


Our ambition is to offer GetBot browser extensions with a wide range of features for your specific needs, such as productivity tools, language assistance, content recommendations, and privacy-enhancing features. We prioritize user-friendly navigation and constant improvement, regularly updating the extensions to deliver cutting-edge browsing experiences. User feedback is highly valued in shaping the future of our extensions, fostering an engaged community. AI also plays a vital role, enhancing security by identifying and blocking malicious websites, detecting phishing attempts, and safeguarding your information. In summary, our goal is to integrate advanced AI features, improving personalization, efficiency, and security in your browsing experience.


Gone streaking
Gone streaking
Gone streaking 5
Gone streaking 5

Maker History

  • GetBotAI
    Chat, search, read, write, code with GetBotAI
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntMay 26th, 2023