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Ana Milicevic
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I get so excited every time LTSE launches something new: it's so rare to have a group of humans with that deep of an understanding of what startups worldwide need, along with the chops to build entire ecosystems around them.

LTSE Equity
Plan, manage, and collaborate on startup equity

Ana Milicevic
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Another thing that would be good to surface is how much each role costs in payroll etc taxes, health insurance benefits (where applicable) and similar costs that typically aren't covered in gross salary numbers but contribute to team cost. Will you be adding screens/filters for this? It would be quite informative as % of overall staff-related burn.
The headcount planning tool with built-in market data

Ana Milicevic
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It took a total of about 4 mins (including account setup) to start thinking of the formerly rather tedious process of compensation planning as actually fun, informative, and a breeze. This is super-useful for all scaling companies as well as for candidates evaluating any offers w/ equity (especially if you're relocating). It easily systematizes levels of comp across the company (this is the...
The headcount planning tool with built-in market data

Ana Milicevic
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I'd love it if this was integrated into my calendar -- I use time-blocking and on most days have designated times during the day for email to minimize interruptions. It would be ideal if the pausing would automatically react to calendar events (and I realize this may be an extreme edge case but I'm hoping timeboxing catches on rapidly :))
Inbox Pause by Boomerang
Batch your email. Get more done.

Ana Milicevic
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Congrats @jjudge & team! Very excited to see this live - many companies sell analytics of one kind or another, but all too few focus on actionable and quick insights. Ironically this is just what everyone is hoping high-priced suites will do w/o the need for 10 in-house data scientists & endless customization projects.

Actionable metrics for subscription businesses

Ana Milicevic
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Would have loved this back in the day in Intro to CS classes!

The community where you'll build the app of your dreams

Ana Milicevic
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Anne's management advice is always to-the-point and actionable. If you're a new manager or are looking to step up to management don't miss the opportunity to learn from her. This is a great starter topic since noone enjoys performance reviews.

Painless Reviews
Performance reviews can really suck. Or, they can suck less

Painless Reviews
Performance reviews can really suck. Or, they can suck less

Ana Milicevic
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This was an accidental discovery & an immediate binge-listen: interesting lineup of different guests in each episode who in turn surface curious things you most likely didn't know. The format is incredibly entertaining and I can't wait for subsequent episodes.

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
A new trivia-like series from the Freakonomics folks

Tell Me Something I Don’t Know
A new trivia-like series from the Freakonomics folks

Ana Milicevic
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Awesome idea -- individual app locking and app group locking is one of the main reasons I stick w/ Cyanogen on my phone. This is so incredibly necessary for other devices too.
Agree w/ Ryan that it should (eventually) be a feature of the OS though.

Password protect individual apps on your Mac

Ana Milicevic
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Great idea. I rely on a fairly informal reciprocal network of folks who write and have professional experience in topics I write about today - it's nice to know of other alternatives, especially for more long-form content. This will be super-valuable if you classify and can search for editors w/ experience w/ certain types (and topics) of content.

Your on-demand editor

Ana Milicevic
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Homemade food and community building through enabling technology - what's not to like? I think this team has the potential to do for food what Airbnb did for lodging and Uber did for on-demand transportation. It's understandable they face the same challenges with establishing trust, regulatory hurdles, etc but if you give the app a spin you'll see that they vet their chefs thoroughly and that...

Buy unique Homemade food from local cooks

Ana Milicevic
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This is so cool. My ideation process involves jotting down new ideas, notes and sketches in a little black Moleskine with Le Pen pens of various colors. I've wished so many times for those Moleskines to be indexable, searchable, and a little less covered in spilled coffee (little known fact: the more coffee you accidentally spill on early wireframes the better the end product). This pen and its...

Oree Stylograph
Write or draw on paper. Share, edit & sinch via mobile.

Oree Stylograph
Write or draw on paper. Share, edit & sinch via mobile.

Ana Milicevic
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OMG - sorry friends, but you may all be getting custom ordered regexes for your birthdays & other assorted special occasions this year! 👯

Get Regex
Get a custom regex expression made within 1 hour