Adrian Shedden

Adrian Shedden

Co-founder and COO of 👋🏽
45 points
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Adrian Shedden
Lumio stands up for the everyday financial heroes - those supporting the financial wellbeing of themselves and others in their lives - to empower them to find financial peace of mind with an AI-driven, hyper-personalised, fully automated money management app.
Lumio Pro
Find financial peace of mind in minutes
Adrian Shedden
Adrian Shedden
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Great work Joshua and team!
Save time by optimising your information diet
Adrian Shedden
Lumio 2.0 uses smart AI to cut the cost of living by analysing your spending and income patterns so you can track, save, and invest every penny you should, straight into your existing savings accounts.
Lumio 2.0
Lumio 2.0
Cut the cost of living without the spreadsheet faff