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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Biggest Challenges while developing a product ?
Which is the topmost challenge while developing a product

Adnyesh Dalpati
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Large social media apps will protect the data as much as they can reason it is gold mine for them and they wont like it is getting easily in hands of few.
So overall, I would say big social media companies will do their utmost best to protect the data from getting leaked. Since that is something on which they will be making money.
So rest assured your data is in safe hands, however the data...
how much do you trust your social media networks?
Nicole Ogloza
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Check the impact of the task
1) Production P1 super high priority since it will lead to disruption of the business
2) P2/P3 can be taken as per the gaps
If it is development tasks
1) Look for its potential impact in terms of operational hours saved or increase in sales
2) Prioritize on basis of that
There are other considerations also, suppose impact is high and it has large ETA then...
Help! How to REALLY prioritise when you have some traction and conflicting requests?
Komal Narwani
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Who is the audience of Product Hunt? Your ideas.
Julia Doronina
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Research about the business, the more you know the more you will stand out. Learn more about the business, in-depth as well as the competitors, also try talking to all the stakeholders and ask them questions in general chat. Rule of thumb stay away from small talk.
What are the best ways to stand out when joining a new team?

Adnyesh Dalpati
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24-25 C, with no fan or blower directed on the head. White lights and bright approx. 4000-5000 lumens
If one can sit in office without sweat or muffler that's the best thing to have.
Optimal Temperature for Work environment
Muhil Venkat
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Udemy, I found it the best. No fuzz, No false claims, Simple and effective and pocket friendly.
I highly recommend it.
What is the best online learning platform?
Pablo Fatas
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Use Diigo - Highly recommend
The best tool i have seen, whatever you read on web can be highlighted, bookmarked, commented. This can be used for future reference, you can search and whoaa you find what you have done before.
The old as time debate: how do you save content for later?
Cristina Bunea
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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If your work is your life you don't need to balance it.
Love what you do, you wont have such questions
How do you keep work-life balance?
Ryan Gilbert
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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If you look into resellers they don't own a product but still they make business.
Many businesses are selling things made by someone else they do survive.
Professional Services like software development, consultancies use brain as their product rather than having a physical one.
Would your business survive/thrive without product?
Sidra Arif Alli
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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1) Keeping Learning
2) Use what you learn in your day to day activity. For e.g. if you see a video about new tech, go and speak to your colleagues about it. Tell them the insights or create a small blog of this and share with them. Make it small but effective.
The more you share knowledge the more intelligent you will be
What is the one activity I should do every day to improve my intelligence?
Armaan Hashmi
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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1) Keep Learning - Knowledge is above all
2) Implement - Knowledge without implementation is useless
3) Repeat Step 1 & 2
One with knowledge and proper execution is most respectable, most reached and most wanted professional. There are no shortcuts to this.
I Need Advice
Players unknown
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Money !!!! :)
How to Keep Your Remote Team Motivated?
Christine Steward
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Notepad++, windows
On Mac, it is sublime.
Nothing fancy but easy to open, can copy paste any text without formatting and very light and saves automatically so don't have to worry about restarts or crashes.
What is your favorite tool for taking notes?
Qudsia Ali
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Culture plays important role on how each individual interacts with each other. This not just top to bottom but sideways also.
Culture sets up the type of interaction peers have as well how they work.
For e.g. A leader who takes the ownership of issues/problem within the organization for this team, his subordinates members do the same for their respective teams.
A peers do not engage...
What is the role of workplace culture for enhancing employee engagement?
Qudsia Ali
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Your product seems really amazing, do send showcase some examples of websites created by static and it could lead you to more response.

Static Starter
A better front-end workflow with all the best practices

Adnyesh Dalpati
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The search engine has the feature still but it needs to be relevant to the context else it all fails.
Are you using Hashtags on Linkedin?
Fabian Maume
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Impulse purchase tactic, mostly lifetime deals makes no sense. SaaS products evolve. Those who give lifetime deals earn through support and updates so in short it is not lifetime deal but a purchase where you are lured into a product which looks awesome deal but is going to get obsolete soon
Lifetime Deals - yay or nay?
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Adnyesh Dalpati
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Let break it up into which segment of customers you are trying to reach. Each has its own unique propositions and value add.
Instagram - Consumer brands ( Millennials )
Google - Consumer brands / B2B
TikTok - Consumer brands ( Gen Z)
Twitter - B2B / Services
You Tube - Consumer Brands (All)
Linkedin - B2B /Services
Which online advertising channel is the most significant one for your startup/business?
Omer Ersin
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