It is a pleasure to e-meet you. My name is Adem Arifi, and I oversee the department's vision of helping our clients mint, manage, and distribute NFTs. Before Versify Labs, my passion for Web3 started in 2017. Since then, I have been helping onboard my family, friends, and clients into the space. I was fortunate enough to turn my passion into a profession conducting and leading operations for crypto-centric companies like Adventure Networks, Binance.US, Compass Mining, and SOL Fund 001. Aside from my professional career, I am an alum club speaker for a Web3 Club at Milwaukee School of Engineering, where I help provide students clarity and content around the space. I look forward to helping you on your journey. Have a great day.

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Maker History
- VersifyCustomer engagement via digital collectiblesSep 2022
Joined Product HuntAugust 29th, 2022