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    Adam Kershner
    Use AI and ML research and practical applications in a creator and business context. With our curated resources, you'll be empowered to leverage these technologies to streamline your products, enhance operational efficiency, and drive growth
    AI & Machine Learning Hub
    AI & Machine Learning Hub
    Curated hacks to leverage AI & machine learning
    Adam Kershner
    If you are ready to BE, GIVE, HAVE or DO more... to stop REACTING to life and to begin CREATING it with guided exercises and actionable steps... then BEST.LIFE.EVER. is for you.
    BEST.LIFE.EVER. (the course)
    Joanna Rajendran's self-guided BEST.LIFE.EVER. course
    Adam Kershner
    This hub is for those who are dipping their toes into manifesting. In this hub, you'll find: journal prompts to draw in your deepest desires, resources for manifesting health goals, an in-depth guide to my vision boarding process, and more.
    Your Hub for Manifesting Anything
    Your Hub for Manifesting Anything
    Create quarterly vision boards + journal every day
    Adam Kershner
    Looking to create a retreat that makes money? In this hub, you will get a comprehensive collection that includes Alexandria's: Budgeting Template System, Retreat Planning System, Planning Guide E-Book, Planning Workbook, Retreat Planning Checklist, and more!
    Your Hub for Planning Epic Retreats
    Your Hub for Planning Epic Retreats
    Everything you need to plan retreats that rock
    Adam Kershner
    Get access to a Hub that provides resources and a community around growing your own food, plus mentoring and direction on entering agriculture at any level.
    Hub for Growing Your Own Food & Farming
    Hub for Growing Your Own Food & Farming
    Entering agriculture at any level: living your farmer dreams
    Adam Kershner
    Adam Kershner
    started a discussion

    Building a marketing & sales practice vs. executing marketing & sales

    Hey there fellow tech enthusiasts! 😊 Recently I've been focusing some of my time on designing a "marketing & sales practice" with my team, and the process has actually been way more fun than expected πŸ˜… Crazy, I know! In the past, I would get exhausted with actually running and "executing marketing campaigns," in the sense that in the beginning, it can be difficult to always appreciate...
    Adam Kershner
    Adam Kershner
    started a discussion

    Advice for a Discord community of creators & tech people?

    Hey product folks! Just looking for quick advice/feedback/ideas for a Discord side project. What: Some creator friends (TikTok, YouTube, Insta) and I slapped together a Discord server to help us chat/hang out and collaborate. Here's the link for context: https://nas.io/creators-and-experts Problem: RN it's kind of a mess and we feel like it lacks structured activities and benefits. It's hard...
    Adam Kershner
    Adam Kershner
    started a discussion

    Marketing Teams vs. "Individuals" on Product Hunt?

    As a product enthusiast, I feel like more and more marketing teams are dominating discussion threads and upvotes on Product Hunt. I go on Product Hunt every day to see what's up, check in with friends, and support new products. But, recently I've been sensing a trend that a larger proportion of the featured content (product pages, discussion posts, etc.) is stemming from marketing...
    Adam Kershner
    Adam Kershner
    started a discussion

    Advice to improve my newsletter game? πŸ“° πŸ™ˆ

    I'm looking for any advice and honest feedback to help me improve my overall newsletter publication and individual article formats! Publication: https://kahana.substack.com/ Example article: https://kahana.substack.com/p/creative-design-diaries-techniques Criticism is very much welcome! Please tear it to shreds and let me know why it sucks! Thanks!