Adam McCrea

Adam McCrea

Account Executive at Hurree
180 points
All activity
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
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Any Marketers on here interested in trialing an analytics tool?

Comment below or feel free to connect
Adam McCrea
Harness the power of AI technology with Riva by Hurree, your personal data analyst. Embracing the power of machine learning, our innovative AI assistant is designed to simplify your data and help you predict the future.
Riva by Hurree
Riva by Hurree
Your personal AI assistant
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Open to connecting and supporting?

Hi Guys, wanted to connect with and support as many products as possible this week. LinkedIn - Product Hunt -
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
left a comment
We launched Hurree almost one month ago and have seen great success, have you launched yet?
Vlad Zivkovic
Have you already launched your product on Product Hunt?
Vlad Zivkovic
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Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Review for Review?

Reviews are important. We are seeking some insightful feedback on our product. If other users on here would like a review of their product please comment below.
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
left a comment
Great tool, I love the workflow automation element. Check out Zixflow to retain customers!
New way to manage, engage, and retain customers, through AI
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Are you seeking reviews on your product?

Currently looking to provide feedback and reviews on your products, have you got a product launch or would you be open to a review?
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Are there any launches this week?

I am interested in trialling new tools and providing feedback, are you launching this week?
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
left a comment
Excited to use this tool and discover and buy further tools!
AppSave by Appscribed
Unlock huge savings on your favourite SaaS
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
left a comment
Fantastic product, Seamless buyer journey!
Digital sales rooms that wow buyers
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Interested in trying and reviewing our product in exchange for a review and trial of their own?

Noticed that reviews and comments are the preferred indicators of success on Product Hunt. Is anyone would be willing to try Hurree and give feedback in exchange for the same when you launch?
Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
left a comment
Interested to know too!
Lakshya Singh
Which URL shortener do you use?
Lakshya Singh
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Adam McCrea
Adam McCrea
started a discussion

Wow thanks for the support!🚀

Hurree has launched today and we have gone off to a very successful start. Hurree is a data centralisation tool. We streamline the data from your favourite tools to one place, saving you hours of manual data entry. To celebrate we are offering a free trial! Check us out -