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Adam Shapiro
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$4,620??? Lolololz. I thought this dumb toy would be like $100. I would seriously question the sanity of anyone who buys this.
Floating Cloud
A magnetically levitating ambient lamp.
Adam Shapiro
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Love the idea. Should rethink the CX for people new to the app. Forcing people to create an entire collection right from the get-go is a bit of a barrier and prevents people from exploring more of the app. For example, my first moment was work-related, but I don't have 4 other work-related moments to log for the day...
Your digital happiness guru
Adam Shapiro
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Not sure if others have experienced this, but it's not immediately clear that you can search for any city, beyond the ones listed in the drop-down menu. This could be huge barrier if people only think it's available in a handful of cities. May want to reconsider the UX design for the search/drop-down field. Just a thought. Otherwise love the idea.
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