Abuj Dnyaneshwari

Abuj Dnyaneshwari

Software Developer
98 points
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Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Sales Sparrow is your post-sales-call companion that allows hassle-free note-taking and AI-recommended next steps. It enables you to seamlessly add notes in Salesforce and get AI-driven suggestions to create and manage tasks.
Sales Sparrow by True Sparrow
Open-source AI-powered Salesforce companion
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congratulations on the launch.
A place for communities to remember lost loved ones
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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congratulations on launch!!!! it looks amazing.
Turn LinkedIn into a CRM and put all outreach on autopilot
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congrats on the launch. Nice idea 🎊
Backup all your Google Docs to your desktop in one click
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congrats on the launch🎊
Developer DAO FM
Developer DAO FM
Listen to Lofi music while building cool stuff
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congratulations on the launch.
PLG Goal Templates
PLG Goal Templates
Proven product-led goal templates for outcome-focused teams
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congrats on the launch!
Plezi One
All-you-need web marketing toolkit for small B2B businesses
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
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Congrats on the launch! Looks nice
Forum and custom space builder, for your community
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
Abuj Dnyaneshwari
left a comment
Congrats on the launch.... really interesting concept.
Beautiful UX for Salesforce users