abhishek nalin

abhishek nalin

Co-Founder and CTO, Threado.com
301 points
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abhishek nalin
Instant, automated support to customers and internal teams by AI Agents trained on internal knowledge. Train it on knowledge base, ticket conversations, CRMs or product documentation. Install it on Slack, Discord, and your website and get instant responses.
AI Agents by Threado
Instant, automated support for customers and internal teams
abhishek nalin
Create your custom trained AI in minutes. Train it on your knowledge base, support doc URLs, PDFs, and community conversations. Install it on Slack, Discord, your website and provide instant responses to customer queries.
Threado AI
Instant answers to queries on Slack, Discord & web
abhishek nalin
Introducing Community RoundUp - a recap of your Slack or Discord community's biggest accomplishments from 2022. See how far your community has come. Be grateful for your community champions and take note of some of the liveliest discussions that happened.
Community RoundUp by Threado
Get a Spotify like recap of your Slack/Discord community
abhishek nalin
Meet Threado - a powerful and actionable dashboard that goes beyond measuring engagement metrics. Get insights, automate workflows, and activate members across Slack, Discord, and other platforms. Unlock the 10x community builder in you. Try it for free!
The command center for community builders
abhishek nalin
abhishek nalin
left a comment
Great product! Was looking for something like this...
The S-1 Club
The S-1 Club
Learn about companies before they go public