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Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman
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Looking for feedback for AccountingGPT

We are working on adding chat gpt like functionality to your existing accounting tool. we are looking for beta testers as well. Any feedback and inputs will be very beneficial. We are highly dependent on community feedback and validation...
Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman
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We are looking for beta testers. Can you please fill this form to signup:
Abdul Rahman
Idea Validation: Adding chatgpt like feature on any accounting tool
Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman
started a discussion

Looking for Beta testers for AccountingGPT

We at AccountingGPT are adding Generative AI capabilities to your accounting tools. 2 Steps to Achieve: 1. Connect your existing accounting app with Accounting GPT 2. Ask whatever question regarding finance you have and get answers. As If there was a 24/7 finance team who has your finances in their finger tips. We are looking for beta testers who would be interested. Please fill out the form,...
Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman
started a discussion

Idea Validation: Adding chatgpt like feature on any accounting tool

Hey People, I Quickly wanted the check if business users will be interested in integrating with a tool and asking questions about their finances to that tool like they do in ChatGPT?
Abdul Rahman
Abdul Rahman
left a comment
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Automate cash collection and invoice follow up
Abdul Rahman
Make it easy for customers to access and pay invoices. Remove manual processes in sending an invoice and doing payment followup. This can save 100s of man hours and collect 2x faster.
Automate cash collection and invoice follow up