Amol | OpenSign™

Amol | OpenSign™

Founder @ OpenSign™
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Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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BTW we are launching today - Please upvote if you like our product.
Amol | OpenSign™
We are making digital signatures free & OpenSource for all. No more paying DocuSign. AMA
Amol | OpenSign™
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Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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We are making digital signatures free & OpenSource for all. No more paying DocuSign. AMA

Hey everyone, Today we are launching the revolutionary Open Source Document signing solution that is free for all - OpenSign™( Its the first milestone in our vision to make Enterprise grade document stack Open source. We plan to democratize "A.I Assited Drafting-Organizing-Sharing-Securing" of your mission critical documents, all under an Open Source initiative. Star us on...
Amol | OpenSign™
Seal the Deal, Openly. Welcome to OpenSign™ Your ultimate open source PDF E-Signature Solution. Transform the Way You Sign, Store, and Secure Your Documents. All in One Place - All for Free.
OpenSign™: Open Source DocuSign & more
Enterprise-Level Document Signing Goes Open-Source
Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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Is postponing your PH launch at the last moment a good idea?

We had a launch of our product “OpenSign - Open source DocuSign alternative & more” planned for 20th Oct at 12:00AM which we cancelled because we identified some last movement glitch in some features. We were super excited about our first ever launch. We had an option to go ahead with it hoping that very few people will actually experience the issues & talk about it, most of them will...
Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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Going for a movie with friends helps!
Relja Denic
How do you recharge after a stressful work week?
Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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PH discussions, X, Facebook & linkedin.
Which channels you use to promote your launch?
Amol | OpenSign™
Amol | OpenSign™
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Would You Use an E-Signature Service Offering Unlimited Signatures for Free?

We're curious about your thoughts on e-signature services. Are you aware of any providers that offer unlimited digital signatures without any cost? Would such a feature interest you?