Sean Kennedy

Sean Kennedy

Demand Generation Manager at Conjura
4 points
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Sean Kennedy
What if every time you took action your profit margin grew? In 2024 all eCommerce operators are focusing on contribution margin as their guide to become profitable. What is Contribution Margin? It's your net sales - full COGS - Marketing : PROFIT
Shopify Contribution Margin Calculator
Take action in 2024 to become profitable with Conjura
Sean Kennedy
Select from our options and get recommendations to: 1) Discover hidden gems: performing well but under-promoted 2) Identify which products are highly stocked, but performing poorly: so you can discount. Ideal for Heads of eCommerce/Marketers using Shopify.
eCommerce Product Actions and Table
eCommerce Product Actions and Table
Conjura gives you recommendations for your Shopify products
Sean Kennedy
With access to 1000s of data points from across the e-commerce industry this self-serve report highlights your businesses strengths and weaknesses compared to the market; enabling you to generate and validate strategies for growth.
Built for Shopify stores.
eCommerce Benchmarking Tool from Conjura
eCommerce Benchmarking Tool from Conjura
Compare and benchmark your e-commerce business for free