Benjamin Arnaud

Benjamin Arnaud

I like pizza and software
8 points
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Benjamin Arnaud
Innovative player designed to stream videos from a single query. It streams BitTorrent and supports a variety of video backends. It's dedicated to the end user and never shows an ad. It's entirely free and fully validated by Apple.
Motion Monkey
Motion Monkey
BitTorrent/Youtube player based on OpenSource technology.
Benjamin Arnaud
I'm a senior developer on VLC 4.0 and I've been working on this innovative player designed to stream videos from a single query. It streams BitTorrent and supports a variety of video backends. All of this while serving your best interests at all time.
🐡 MotionMonkey 1.3.0
🐡 MotionMonkey 1.3.0
Streamlined Web + BitTorrent player from a VLC developer
Benjamin Arnaud
MotionMonkey is an innovative player designed to stream videos from a single query.
It streams Torrents and supports a variety of video backends.
All of this while serving the end user at all time.
MotionMonkey 🐡
MotionMonkey 🐡
Instant video playback from a single query